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Extractions in Salford and Manchester


Whether it’s the result of tooth decay, gum disease or simple overcrowding, there are times when removing a tooth is the only option. This is a procedure that many people dread, but it’s really nothing to worry about.

Tooth extraction techniques have come a long way in recent years. Rather than causing pain, the extraction of a tooth may actually be the best way to prevent it. Our expert dentists can remove troublesome teeth in the gentlest way possible so that you get back to living pain-free.

What are the reasons for tooth extractions?

A tooth extraction is usually a last resort when other treatments won’t work. This can be for a number of reasons:

Serious decay that can’t be treated with a crown or filling.

Advanced gum disease that has weakened the ligaments and bone supporting the teeth.

An abscess around the teeth or on the gums.

Severe overcrowding which is impeding orthodontic treatment.

Impacted teeth which can’t fully emerge due to a lack of space.

In all of these cases, the solution is the same: removing the tooth or teeth that are causing the problem. Depending on the reason for the extraction, this will either resolve the issue or pave the way for further treatment.


How can I get a tooth extraction in Manchester?

Wherever you live in Manchester, it couldn’t be easier to organise a tooth extraction by visiting our welcoming dental practice in Salford. Just follow these simple steps and leave the rest to us:


Give us a call on 0161 843 5711 or use our online booking service to book a dental check-up or emergency appointment


The dentist will ask you questions about the problems you’ve been having, then examine your teeth and gums and take an x-ray, before discussing the options with you. If we agree with you that an extraction is the best treatment, then the dentist will administer a local anaesthetic to numb your mouth before the procedure.


Once the anaesthetic has taken effect, the dentist will gently loosen your tooth using special instruments.


The dentist will remove the loosened tooth and use a dressing to stop any bleeding. They may also put a small stitch in the exposed area.


The dentist will explain what you need to do during the healing process. They may also book you in for a follow up appointment.

What are the benefits of a tooth extraction?

Nobody likes the thought of losing a tooth, but sometimes a tooth extraction is the best course of action. For patients in pain, it can provide much needed relief while also allowing for more effective treatment further down the line. The benefits of tooth extraction include:

Removing teeth that have reached an advanced state of decay.

Preventing infection from severely decayed teeth

Treating gum disease before it spreads

Removing painful abscesses

Allowing orthodontic treatments to be carried out successfully

Allowing partially erupted teeth to reach their correct position


Book your initial tooth extraction consultation in Manchester or Salford today

Don’t suffer in silence. If you’re experiencing serious dental pain, a tooth extraction might be the best solution. Our experienced team will take care of everything, carrying out the procedure as gently and as carefully as possible. Book a dental check-up or emergency appointment today.


Tooth extraction in Salford frequently asked questions

Are there any alternatives to tooth extraction?

We will always explore every possible alternative before removing a tooth. If we recommend an extraction, you can rest assured that it’s the best course of action.

How long does a tooth extraction take?

A tooth extraction typically takes 20-40 minutes, but may be longer if multiple teeth need to be removed. Your dentist will tell you how long the procedure will take before it is carried out.

Does a tooth extraction hurt?

A tooth extraction is always carried out under local anaesthetic so it should be painless. Patients may feel a pulling and pushing sensation while the tooth is loosened, but this shouldn’t create any discomfort.

Can I eat and drink normally after a tooth extraction?

It is best to avoid hot food and drink for at least 24 hours after a tooth extraction. After that, you may wish to stick to soft food for a few days. It’s also best to avoid alcohol for a week as this can irritate the extraction area and slow down the healing process.

Will I have to take time off work after a tooth extraction?

No, you shouldn’t have to take any time off work, you can return straight away if you would like. It is, though, best to take it easy after an extraction and not do anything too stressful, or too much strenuous exercise.

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