Your dental health is always priority for us. We are pleased to offer a wide range of comprehensive treatments while ensuring a patient experience that feels comfortable and enjoyable.
Regular check ups with a dentist are a vital part of oral health. Signs of disease can be detected and treated even before it bothers you and becomes a problem. We usually recommend check ups every six months, so we can pick up on any issues early.
Oral hygiene is key to a healthy mouth. Our dentists can offer professional cleaning either during a check up appointment, or another appointment can be made. This is to ensure any plaque or calculus is removed, which may have built up in hard-to-reach areas while brushing. Periodontal disease is common and we will pick up on this, and explain what can be done to improve the situation.
Fillings are frequently used to treat tooth decay or fractured teeth. We offer a range of filling materials, with the most popular choice being a tooth-coloured composite that restores the tooth's natural appearance and functionality.
If the tooth has become damaged and the nerve inside the tooth has been affected, usually resulting in infection, a root canal treatment may be an option to save the tooth. This will be carried out over one or two visits, and is a painless procedure.
The visible surface of the front teeth can be covered with a thin layer of laboratory made porcelain (or similar material) which will improve the appearance of the teeth, due to improvements in shape, shade, and surface texture and anatomy.
Crowns are often required to repair broken or defective teeth, or to improve the way the teeth bite together. Crowns are made in a laboratory and are bespoke to your mouth, improving the appearance, strength and function.
A bridge is an artificial tooth which is attached to the teeth next door, in order to fill gaps where there may be missing teeth, and subsequently improve appearance, function and occlusion.
If a tooth is beyond repair, it may need to be removed. Our experienced team will do this in a gentle and atraumatic way.
We offer teeth straightening, from systems including Invisalign, Clear Correct and Cfast.
We offer teeth whitening, which is a cosmetic procedure where the natural shade of your teeth can be made a few shades lighter, improving the brightness and appearance of your smile.
We offer a range of anti-wrinkle and anti-aging treatments carried out by experienced dentist, Dr Lucy Giles.
Due to modern stressful lifestyles, many people suffer with jaw joint problems, often caused by tooth grinding or bruxism, which can result in a less than ideal occlusion. We can offer the appropriate splint which can be worn at night, to help improve the position of your jaw joint, and subsequently reduce pain and discomfort, and protect your teeth from further tooth wear.
We know how difficult it is to find a dentist, especially when you have toothache. We can offer same day appointments, even for new patients. Common emergency problems include tooth pain, usually sharp or continuous throbbing pain, or swelling.
We will assess the problem and offer a solution. This may be pain relief in the form of simple treatment, such as a temporary dressing, tooth extraction, or provide antibiotics if required.
Our helpful staff provides a variety of treatments that are intended to give children the greatest start and continue to be helpful over time.
Your children may even look forward to visiting The Dental Sanctuary because of our experienced dental team, forming a positive relationship with dentists from an early age.
We think excellent habits are formed at a young age. Children of all ages and teenagers are welcome at our family friendly Dental Sanctuary.
Everyone is welcome, no prior registration is needed to book an appointment. There are no hidden additional costs.
Our team is here to help you with compassionate and reassuring care.
You can find answers to some common questions under our FAQs. If you’d like to get in touch with us, please fill in our enquiry form; alternatively, please feel free to email or call us and a member of our team will be happy to assist you.