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Splints and mouthguards in Salford and Manchester

Splints & Mouthguards
Splints & Mouthguards
Splints & Mouthguards
Splints & Mouthguards
Splints & Mouthguards
Splints & Mouthguards
Splints & Mouthguards
Splints & Mouthguards
Splints & Mouthguards
Splints & Mouthguards
Splints & Mouthguards
Splints & Mouthguards
Splints & Mouthguards
Splints & Mouthguards

When it comes to maintaining a healthy set of teeth, prevention is better than cure. We’re always happy to fix damaged teeth, but we’d rather stop this damage from happening at all. This is where splints and mouthguards come in.

If you play dangerous sports or grind your teeth at night, a splint or mouthguard may be the best way to protect your teeth. These devices are easy to fit, simple to maintain and can make a huge difference to the people who wear them.

What are splints and mouthguards?

While the two terms are often used interchangeably, splints and mouthguards are different devices with different purposes:

Splints are designed to prevent damage to the teeth from involuntary or habitual  grinding or clenching. They do this by creating a shield around the teeth. Some may also reposition the jaw if it has become misaligned. Splints are tailor-made for the patient, and are usually worn at night when grinding and clenching are especially common.

Mouthguards are designed to prevent oral injuries during contact sports and other high-risk activities. While a splint only covers the teeth, a mouthguard covers the gums as well. Although generic mouthguards can be bought from sports shops, dentists recommend a custom mouthguard for anyone regularly participating in high-risk activities, because it will stay in place better and protect the teeth much more effectively.


How to get a splint or mouthguard in Manchester

Whether you’re worried about a sports injury or experiencing pain due to teeth grinding, we can make getting a splint or mouthguard simple if you live in Salford, Manchester or other nearby areas. Just follow these steps and leave the rest to us at our dental practice in Salford:


Use our online booking service or give us a call on 0161 843 5711to book an appointment


The dentist will discuss your needs and take a scan of your teeth. This will be used to make a detailed model of your jaw, teeth and gums.


The model will be used to create a plastic splint or mouthguard that fits your mouth perfectly.


When your splint or mouthguard is ready, we’ll call you back into the practice, usually after two weeks. We’ll make sure it fits properly and give you some tips for maintaining it.

What are the benefits of a splint or mouthguard?

Many residents of Salford, Manchester or Greater Manchester could benefit from a splint or mouthguard. Whether you’re a keen athlete or a habitual teeth-grinder, a custom-made splint or mouthguard could make a big difference to your oral health:

A splint can correct an uneven bite before it becomes permanent.

A splint can help you break the habit of teeth grinding or clenching, reducing the risk of problems at a later stage.

A splint can cure the headaches and jaw pain caused by nighttime grinding.

A mouthguard allows you to participate in contact sports without fear of dental injury.

As well as preventing chips to the teeth, a mouthguard also reduces the risk of injuries to the gums and tongue.

Splints and mouthguards are custom-made for each patient, ensuring a perfect fit.

Splints and mouthguards are designed to be durable so you don’t have to worry about breakage.

You can have whatever colour or design you’d like on your mouthguard. Speak to your dentist.


Are you looking for a splint or mouthguard in Salford or Manchester ? Book your free consultation today.

Getting a splint or mouthguard in the Manchester area couldn’t be easier. From our Salford practice, our expert dentists can have a bespoke splint or mouthguard ready for you in a matter of weeks. Give us a call or book a free consultation online.


Splints and mouthguards in Salford frequently asked questions

How long do splints and mouthguards last?

Depending on how often they’re used, splints and mouthguards can last for several years. Nighttime splints are designed to be worn every night while mouthguards may only be worn occasionally, meaning that splints may need to be replaced more frequently than mouthguards.

How do I clean a splint or mouthguard?

Regularly cleaning your splint or mouthguard is essential to prevent the buildup of bacteria. We recommend rinsing the device with lukewarm water and then gently cleaning it with a toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste, or non-fragranced soap. Speak to your dentist about special dental device cleaning products.

Can you choke on a splint or mouthguard?

Definitely not. Both devices are too big to swallow, meaning there’s no risk of choking.

Can I use a splint and a mouthguard?

Absolutely. If you’re someone who plays sports during the day and grinds your teeth at night, there’s no reason you can’t use both devices.

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